RS Sales & Distribution Ltd recognises that its business activities interact with the environment in a variety of ways.  These activities have a significant impact in the key areas of:

Stock holding 
Packaging materials
Energy use 
Generation of waste materials

RS Sales & Distribution Ltd. recognises that it has a responsibility to help protect the environment wherever it has an opportunity to do so, to be a responsible neighbour, and to provide a comfortable environment for its employees to work in.

As such, the Directors of RS Sales & Distribution Ltd. are committed to the following:
Continual improvement in the environmental impact of its business activities;
Improving the environmental benefits provided by its products and services;
Preventing pollution;
Complying with all relevant legal, customer, and other third party requirements;
Establishing measurable environmental and business objectives that are consistent with the context and strategic direction of the organisation and addressing risks and opportunities associated with them;
Achieving objectives to help minimise its environmental impact;
Adopting best practices applicable to its activities wherever practicable.
RS Sales & Distribution Ltd. will achieve these commitments by:
Implementing and maintaining an Environmental Management System that is independently certified as compliant with ISO 14001:2015;
Employing processes that identify the aspects of the organisation’s business that have an environmental impact and quantifying the significance of each aspect;
Maintaining an environmental performance improvement programme to enable the organisation’s objectives to be achieved;
Ensuring that its employees, suppliers and customers are aware of their role in supporting the organisation’s commitments and environmental objectives;
Training its employees in good environmental protection practices and encouraging employee involvement in environmental improvement initiatives;
Communicating our environmental commitment to suppliers, customers, business partners and the public and encourage them to support it;
Building relationships with other environmental stakeholders – including governments, the scientific community, educational institutions, public interest groups, and the general public – to promote the development and communication of innovative solutions to industry environmental problems;

Continually monitoring the environmental impact of its business activities.

The implementation of this policy is fundamental to the success of RS Sales & Distribution Ltd.’s business and must be supported by all employees as an integral part of their daily work.

This policy is publicly available to interested external parties upon request.